Google Maps API Addons

What you're seeing here is a compilation of scripts that enhance the functionalities of the Google Maps API (currently in Version 3) in different ways.

All scripts are open-source, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2 (see LICENSE for details). Feel free to use the scripts in your own projects or modify them according to your needs.

Live Examples

There's a variety of examples for you to better evaluate the addons presented in this repository:

Reference Table of Contents




SimpleMarker class

A lightweight marker class, based on the lightweight marker sample by google but trimmed down to my needs even more.

This class extends google.maps.OverlayView.


Constructor Description
SimpleMarker(opts?:SimpleMarkerOptions) Creates a SimpleMarker with the options specified. If a map is specified, the marker is added to the map upon construction.


Methods Return Value Description
getAnchor() google.maps.Point
getBounds(zoom?:number) google.maps.LatLngBounds This method returns the bounds of our marker in latitude and longitude values, based on the current or given zoom value of the map. You can use these bounds for a clustering algorithm, as you can now easily check if a LatLng-coordinate is inside the marker's bounds (i.e. the two objects overlap) or not.
getClassName() string
getIcon() string
getId() string
getMap() google.maps.Map
getPosition() google.maps.LatLng
getSize() google.maps.Size
getTitle() string
getVisible() boolean
setAnchor(anchor:google.maps.Point) None
setClassName(className:string) None
setIcon(icon?:string) None
setId(id:string) None
setMap(map:google.maps.Map) None Renders the marker on the specified map. If map is set to null, the marker will be removed.
setPosition(position:google.maps.LatLng) None
setSize(size:google.maps.Size) None
setTitle(title:string) None
setVisible(visible:boolean) None

Static Methods

Methods Return Value Description
getLatLngPerPixel(zoom?:number) google.maps.LatLng Calculates the Latitude/Longitude per pixel ratio based on the given zoom.


Events Arguments Description
click MouseEvent This event is fired when the marker icon was clicked.

SimpleMarkerOptions object specification


Properties Type Description
anchor google.maps.Point The point (in pixels) to which objects will snap.
className string The class name which will be assigned to the created div node.
icon string URL to an image file that shall be used.
id string A unique identifier that will be assigned to the created div-node.
map google.maps.Map Map on which to display marker.
position google.maps.LatLng Marker position.
size google.maps.Size The size of the marker in pixels.
title string Rollover text.
visible boolean If true, the marker is visible.

DayNightOverlay class

This class extends google.maps.OverlayView.


Constructor Description
DayNightOverlay(opt_params:DayNightOverlayOptions=) The Class which represents the Overlay.


Methods Return Value Description
setDate(date:Date) None Pass a specific point in time for which the day/night-overview shall be calculated (UTC date is taken) or null if the current time shall be taken.

DayNightOverlayOptions object specification

This class represents the optional parameter passed to the DayNightOverlay constructor. There is no constructor for this class. Instead, this class is instantiated as a javascript object literal.


Properties Type Description
date Date A specific point of time for which the day/night- overview shall be calculated (UTC date is taken).
fillColor string A color string that will be used when drawing the night area.
id string A unique identifiert which will be assigned to the canvas on which we will draw.
map google.maps.Map A handle to the Google Maps map on which the overlay shall be shown.
smallZoomThreshold number A threshold for small zoom levels on viewports with small dimensions.

PanoMarker class

This class extends google.maps.OverlayView.


Constructor Description
PanoMaker(opts?:PanoMarkerOptions) Creates a PanoMarker with the options specified. If a panorama is specified, the marker is added to the map upon construction. Note that the position must be set for the marker to display. Important: do not use the inherited method setMap() to change the panorama, but use setPano() instead, otherwise a proper functionality is not guaranteed.


Methods Return Value Description
getAnchor() google.maps.Point
getClassName() string
getClickable() boolean
getIcon() string
getId() string
getPano() google.maps.StreetViewPanorama
getPosition() google.maps.StreetViewPov
getSize() google.maps.Size
getTitle() string
getVisible() boolean
getZIndex() number
setAnchor(anchor:google.maps.Point) None
setClassName(className:string) None
setClickable(clickable:boolean) None
setIcon(icon?:string) None
setId(id:string) None
setPano(pano:google.maps.StreetViewPanorama) None Renders the marker on the specified panorama. If pano is set to null, the marker will be removed.
setPosition(position:google.maps.StreetViewPov) None
setSize(size:google.maps.Size) None
setTitle(title:string) None
setVisible(visible:boolean) None
setZIndex(zIndex:number) None

Static Methods

Methods Return Value Description
getFov(zoom:number) number The (horizontal) field of view angle for the given zoom.
povToPixel(targetPov:google.maps.StreetViewPov, currentPov:google.maps.StreetViewPov, viewport:Element) Object({left:number, top:number}) Given the current POV, this method calculates the Pixel coordinates on the given viewport for the desired POV. All credit for the math this method goes to user3146587 on StackOverflow:


Events Arguments Description
click MouseEvent This event is fired when the marker icon was clicked.

PanoMarkerOptions object specification


Properties Type Description
anchor google.maps.Point The point (in pixels) to which objects will snap.
className string The class name which will be assigned to the created div node.
icon string URL to an image file that shall be used.
id string A unique identifier that will be assigned to the created div-node.
pano google.maps.StreetViewPanorama Panorama in which to display marker.
position google.maps.StreetViewPov Marker position.
size google.maps.Size The size of the marker in pixels.
title string Rollover text.
visible boolean If true, the marker is visible.
zIndex number The marker's z-index.